Friday, December 1, 2023

लोकसत्ता लोकांकिका विभागीय अंतिम फेरी २०२३


लोकसत्ता करंडक मध्ये आपल्या महाविद्यालयाची अंतिम फेरीत खालील पारितोषिके जिंकल्याबद्दल सर्व टीम चे खूप खूप अभिनंदन.

सर्वोत्कृष्ट एकांकिका(सांघिक)-प्रथम 

सर्वोत्कृष्ट दिग्दर्शन-प्रथम 

सर्वोत्कृष्ट संगीत-प्रथम 

सर्वोत्कृष्ट नेपथ्य-प्रथम 

सर्वोत्कृष्ट पुरुष अभिनय-प्रथम 

सर्वोत्कृष्ट प्रकाशयोजना- प्रथम 

Voter awareness program

The Electoral Literacy Club organized a voter awareness program. Mr. RJ Sangram from Big FM emphasized the significance of voting in the first session, while Ms. Nupur Tiwari guided students through Japanese philosophy in the second session. Additionally, Mr. Tejas Gujarati, CEO of We Foundation, Ms. Snehal Khanolkar, along with other colleagues, and Electoral Literacy Board State Coordinator, Mr. Alpha Pirzade, were also present at the event. More than 50 students attended today's program with enthusiastically.

Communal Harmony Day

 Marathwada Mitra Mandal's College of Commerce is observing the Communal Harmony Day on Friday, 24 Nov. 2023 as per the guidelines received from the National Foundation for Communal Harmony, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India. As part of this initiative, we need to make donation for the children who hv rendered destitute due to Communal violence in past by scanning the QR Code given on the above poster. You can donate any amount on volunteer basis. The posters are made available at notice boards of the Commerce Department and at the Department of BBA. Donate Generously for this noble cause.    


 We are am glad to announce that Team of 23 students was formed for SWAR RANG 2023- SPPU YOUTH FESTIVAL with participants and accompanist in various categories. 

We are proud to say our students bagged the prizes in today's YOUTH FESTIVAL

Winning Categories are :
1. Collage Making: Sakshi Karande 3rd place - SYBCOM
2. Poster Competition : Dhanajay sonawane 4th place - TYBBA CA(Special Mention)
3. Photography : Nagesh Patil - MAJMC - I*

🎉Congratulations to the Winners and Appreciation of all the Participants🎉

Avishkar Research Poster Competition

Department of Computer Science conducted Avishkar Research Poster Competition. The competition was judged by Dr. Swapna Kolhatkar and Prof. Shubhangi Mathe. Selected topics as follows:

1. UrgentAid : Designing and Developing Application for Emergency Ambulance Service
2. QR-Based Smart Attendance System for Educational Institutions
3. IOT Based Real -Time Gauge Monitoring Smart System